Vojtech Klobouk
vlado 2000


“It’s a great feeling to know that my work is helping people to live happier and healthier lives"

Name: Vojtech Klobouk
Position: Lead Key Account Manager
Joined Philips: July 2008

vojtech klobouk

I’ve never been the type of person to sit still; I’ve always been ambitious and liked reaching for difficult targets. I joined Philips because I was convinced the role would be varied and would have a lot of room for progression, and that has certainly been my experience.


My role requires me to liaise with key clients and build commercial partnerships with them while also co-ordinating the activities of the Philips sales force. I’ve got a very busy work schedule, but I still manage to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

Since I’ve been here the main thing that has surprised me is the complexity of the whole supply, sales, marketing and service process. I never really thought about it prior to joining – as a consumer you only tend to consider the finished article – but it’s inspiring to see how much effort and attention to detail goes into every Philips product before it goes to market. For me it’s a great feeling to know that my work is helping people to live happier and healthier lives.

What I like most about Philips is the diversity. One day I could be dealing with internal communications, the next I could be discussing business development with a customer; I get to speak to a lot of interesting people across a variety of departments and fields, and that’s because we are always looking to the next challenge and speaking to the people that can help us create the innovations of the future.

One of the great things about Philips is that though it’s a well-respected and vast organisation, people are still treated like individuals. Everyone is encouraged to enhance their knowledge, take on new responsibilities or seek out a new position if that is what they wish to do. It’s a huge company with innumerable opportunities, but has the mentality and personal feel of a far smaller operation. 

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