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Privacy Notice


Your privacy is important to Philips. This privacy notice provides information about the personal information that Philips collects, and the ways in which Philips uses that personal information.

account data

Collecting your information

Philips may collect and use the following kinds of information:

  • demographic information about you and your caregiving situation (e.g. gender, age, distance from care recipient);
  • information about your use of this application;
  • relevant data for effective care management of your loved one (e.g. appointments, to-dos, images, observations, etc.) recorded in the app;
  • your opinions and feedback on the application features.
  • relevant information about the care recipient needed to care for him/her


It is forbidden for you to store social security numbers, financial information, religious affiliation or insurance information in the application. Input of such information is a misuse of the application.

Third parties

Using your information

Philips may use de-identified information for research purposes to improve the experience of the current solution for future users and create new solutions.


Philips will not disclose your personal information.

We protect your personal data

Securing your information

Philips will take reasonable technical and organisational precautions to prevent the loss, misuse or alteration of your information:

  • All user passwords are stored in an encrypted format. Password will always be single directional encrypted for both transmission and storage of data and information.
  • The encryption of data storage and transmission is following Advanced Encryption Standard AES (AES) 128.
  • To guarantee the data security during transmission, Philips will follow Secure Socket Layer (SSL) protocol.
  • Access to the database is granted only to researchers within Philips.
  • After the study, all user data generated, collected and transmitted between users will be stored in a data repository.

Changes to the privacy notice

Retention of data and documents

Survey responses, usage data captured, and your de-identified collected data will be stored on a Philips managed server with a database or Philips local disk storage for further analysis. All data stored is anonymized and encrypted. Data will be reviewed periodically and deleted if no longer useful.


Photos captured will be deleted once analytics have been reviewed within 6 months of the test period end or migrated to the commercial application if you consent to. Processed versions of photos may be retained for a period of up to 5 years if the data is still useful. The data will be immediately deleted if not useful anymore.

Choices and rights

Your rights

You have the right to access, rectify and oppose your data. You may send an email to carepartners@philips.com with any requests to access your collected data, modify your consent or withdraw your participation in the study. You have the choice to have your data migrated to a commercial application at the end of the study period if such a path exists. Additionally you may consent to allowing us to contact you via telephone.

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Updating this notice

Philips may update this privacy notice by posting a new version on this app.

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