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May 19, 2020

Philips company with the best reputation in the Netherlands

Estimated reading time: 2-4 minutes

RepTrak Company: “Thirteen times in a row at Number 1, that has never happened before in the fifty countries we investigate.”

Philips was named the company with the foremost reputation by The RepTrak Company during today’s publication of RepTrak’s annual reputation ranking of the Netherlands’ 30 largest companies. The health technology company achieved the highest position for the thirteenth year in a row.

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“Building a reputation is not always easy, but maintaining a reputation can be quite a challenge,” said Dr. Cees van Riel, co-founder of The RepTrak Company, during the virtual presentation of the award. “That’s why it is very special that Philips has achieved the best reputation score in the Netherlands for thirteen years in a row. Thirteen times in a row at Number 1, that has never happened before in the fifty countries we investigate.

Measure of social contribution

Due to the coronavirus crisis, this year’s presentation took place virtually. Frans van Houten, CEO of Philips, explained how important the strategic choices of the health technology company have been and how the entire spectrum of care is involved during the crisis.


“In recent years, we have strengthened our health technology portfolio through extensive investments in Research & Development and strategic acquisitions,” he said. “As a result, we now have a portfolio with which we can improve people's lives; from healthy living and prevention at home, to diagnosis and treatment in the hospital and care for chronic patients at home.”

I believe that reputation is never an end in itself, but an important measure of how connected you are with society and what you contribute.

Frans van Houten

CEO of Royal Philips

He added, “During the corona crisis, we saw how important it is to address that entire spectrum of care, including the provision of informatics solutions. We have worked closely with our hospital partners and governments to scale up intensive care capacity, deploy digital resources, provide remote care, provide interoperability support, and monitor patients remotely. It has allowed them to provide care to many people. That we have, for many years, consistently scored highly for our reputation I see as confirmation that we made the right choices. I believe that reputation is never an end in itself, but an important measure of how connected you are with society and what you contribute.”

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The RepTrak Company reputation ranking

The RepTrak Company conducts its survey annually among the top 30 Dutch companies. The self-developed RepTrak® model assesses how companies perform on emotional aspects (such as Feeling, Esteem, Admire and Trust) and rational aspects of reputation (including Products & Services, Governance, Citizenship). It then looks at how this translates into behavior, such as a willingness to buy products from the company, work for the company, or invest in the company.

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Joost Maltha

Joost Maltha

Philips Global Press Office

Tel: +31 6 10 55 8116

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