The Long-term customer declaration (LTCD) is a document issued by the supplier to confirm the preferential origin of goods in line with the corresponding rules of origin outlined in the Preferential Trade agreement. These requirements (list of rules) are listed on the EU Commission website.
The legal basis is the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2015/2447 of 24 November 2015 laying down detailed rules for implementing certain provisions of Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 of the European Parliament and of the Council laying down the Union Customs Code. According to the Regulation (EU) No 952/2013 (UCC) it is possible to issue one LTVD for future and past periods.
The text of the LTVD is legally binding according to the regulation mentioned above. It is only valid if the signer is resident in the EU. The issuer is responsible for the correctness of the declaration provided towards the recipient and the Customs Authority. Therefore, the issuer shall inform the recipient immediately where the LTVD is no longer valid in relation to the goods provided.
(1) Country, group of countries or territory concerned:
Andorra (AD), Switzerland (CH), Turkey (TR),Albania (AL), Bosnia-Hercegovina (BA), Kosovo (XK = KO), Montenegro (ME), Macedonia (MK), Serbia (XS = RS), Algeria DZ), Egypt (EG), Faroe Islands (FO), Israel (IL), Jordan (JO), Lebanon (LB), Morocco (MA), West Bank and Gaza Strip (PS), Syria (SY), Tunisia (TN), Ceuta (XC), Melilla (XL), Georgia (GE), Moldova (MD),Ukraine (UA), Rep. of Korea (KR),Ivory Coast (CI),Chile (CL), Mexico (MX),
Andean-countries: Colombia (CO), Peru (PE), Ecuador (EC)
Cariforum: Antigua and Barbuda (AG), Bahamas (BS), Barbados (BB) , Belize (BZ), Dominica (DM),Dominican Republic (DO), Grenada (GD), Guyana (GY), Jamaica (JM), Saint Christopher and- Nevis (KN), Saint Lucia (LC),Suriname (SR), Trinidad and Tobago (TT), Saint Vincent and theGrenadines (VC).
Central-America: Costa Rica (CR), El Salvador (SV), Guatemala (GT) Honduras (HN, Nicaragua (NI), Panama (PA).
Pacific-states: Fiji (FJ), Papua New Guinea (PG).
ESA-EPA-states: Madagascar (MG), Mauritius (MU), Seychelles (SC), Zimbabwe (ZW).SADC-EPA-states: Mozambique (MZ), Botswana (BW), Lesotho (LS), Namibia (NA), South-Africa (ZA), Swaziland (SZ).
Central-Africa: Cameroon (CM).
EEA: Iceland (IS), Liechtenstein (LI), Norway (NO).
GSP*: Generalized System of Preferences – developing countries, (LDC and OBC). GSP: Armenia (AM), Bolivia (BO), Republic of the Congo (CG), Cook Islands (CK), Colombia (CO), Costa Rica (CR), Cape Verde (CV), Ecuador (EC),Micronesia (FM), Georgia (GE), Guatemala (GT), Honduras (HN), Indonesia (ID), India (IN), Iraq (IQ), Kyrgyzstan (KG), Sri Lanka (LK), Marshall Islands (MH), Mongolia (MN), Maldives (MV), Nigeria (NG), Nicaragua (NI), Nauru (NR), Niue (NU), Panama (PA), Peru (PE), Philippines (PH), Pakistan (PK), Paraguay (PY), El Salvador (SV), Syria (SY), Thailand (TH), Tajikistan (TJ), Turkmenistan (TM), Tonga (TO), Ukraine (UA), Uzbekistan (UZ), Vietnam (VN)OCT*: - Overseas Countries and Territories of the EU member states.
MAR-ACP*: Market Access Regulation – African-Caribbean and Pacific states Ghana (GH), Cameroon (CM), Kenya.
* For an actual overview of this countries please contact the Chamber of Commerce
(2) Cumulation
Cumulation is a mechanism that allows you to consider non-originating materials used or processing carried out in another country as originating in your country or carried out in your country.To be completed, where necessary, only for goods having preferential origin status in the context of preferential trade relations with one of the countries with which pan-Euro-Mediterranean cumulation of origin is applicable:
Algeria (DZ), Egypt (EG), European Union (EU), Faroe Islands (FO), Iceland (IS), Israel (IL) Jordan (JO), Lebanon (LB), Liechtenstein (LI), Morocco (MA), Norway (NO), Tunisia (TN), Turkey (TR), West Bank andGaza Strip (PS), Switzerland (CH).
Point of attention: As Syria did not yet sign the Pan Euro Med agreement it is not possible to fill in this country. Most common is that no cumulation happens. In case you are not sure, please leave this open
(3) Validity dates
Give the dates. The period shall not exceed 24 months from the date of issue (Attention: this is not the date on which the declaration enters into force) or 12 months if the declaration was issued retrospectively. In this case, the period might be both maximum 12 Months in the past, as 12 Months in the future as of the date of issue.
(4) Place and Date: Example: DD.MM.YYYY, London, UK
(5) Name and Position: Example: John Williams, Sales Manager
(6) Name and Address of Company: Example: Williams Motors Ltd, 1 Smith Street London, MW1, 3DR, United Kingdom
(7) Signature: Example: J. Williams
Mandatory Data in the material list (excel file) enclosed: The data concerning the preferential origin status for each material is to be indicated in the excel file. Please provide per material the country of origin and optional the HS code. If preferential origin cannot be confirmed for a material or for a specific trade agreement, please list this in the column “preference exemption”. Please do not delete any item line in the excel sheet. Please complete the data in the excel file and send it back to In case of any question please get in contact with Country of Origin: Indication of the corresponding valid ISO-Alpha-2 Codes, e.g., IT for Italy, DE for Germany.
Changes: The LTVD may not contain any erasures or overwriting. Changes are only allowed if the wrong indication is deleted and the correct one, if necessary, is added. Any change carried out as explained is to be marked with the name of the person who executed this change.
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