Philips General Trademark Use Guidelines

In the event of any conflict between the English version of these Guidelines and any translation into another language, the English version shall prevail. Any translation of these Guidelines into another language is made available for convenience.
Find Chinese translation here.
Last updated: April 2024

The PHILIPS wordmark and shield emblem are registered trademarks of Koninklijke Philips N.V. (“Philips”). In addition to the Philips wordmark and the shield emblem, Philips owns multiple other trademarks for various products and solutions (all together “the Philips Trademarks”) as well as other assets such as photos, videos and apps (the “Philips Brand Assets”). Use of the Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets requires written authorization from Philips. Philips reserves the right to take legal action against any unauthorized or improper use of the Philips Trademarks or Brand Assets.

These Guidelines are meant to assist you in the proper use of our name, trademarks and brand assets to preserve and protect our brand integrity. In addition to these Guidelines, specific terms and conditions may apply for use of a specific Philips Trademark or Philips Brand Asset.

General permissible use

You may refer to Philips in textual references about Philips products and solutions, product endorsements, or to indicate that your product is compatible with a Philips product or solution. When referring to Philips, please provide accurate information concerning your relationship with Philips. The reference to Philips must be in the same font and style as the rest of the text (e.g.. not capitalized).


Compatibility reference:

You may communicate in your offering that your product or solution is “compatible with” or “works with” a Philips product or solution.

Use of the Philips Trademarks requires Philips’ authorization

The Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets may only be used with explicit written authorization from Philips.


Any business partner of Philips, (subsequent) reseller or other authorized third party should clearly present itself using its own trading style in communications both offline and online (e.g.: on its website, e-commerce and social media channels) and clearly present its connection with Philips to the public. A business partner, (subsequent) reseller or authorized other third party should apply the Philips Trademarks or the Philips Brand Assets in a proportional manner in its communications. In general, business partners, (subsequent) resellers and other authorized third parties may not mislead or confuse the public about their affiliation with Philips or any endorsement or sponsorship by Philips.


The guidance below specifies what is and what is not allowed when using the Philips Trademarks or Philips Brand Assets.


Proper use the Philips Trademarks means at least, the following:



  • the Philips Trademarks must be in the form as registered with a clear zone around the Philips Trademarks;
  • the Philips Trademarks must appear in their entirety and in a stand-alone form, not abbreviated (e.g.: “Phili”) or in combination with, or as part of other names, trademarks or graphic elements;
  • the Philips Trademarks are used as a proper adjective followed by a noun (e.g.: “the Philips shaver” or “the Philips Azurion image-guided therapy platform”). The Philips Trademarks may not be used as a noun, in a plural form, or as a generic descriptor. The Philips Trademarks may not be used in a possessive form (unless when referring to the company).



  • do not use the Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets without written authorization;
  • do not use any variation or abbreviation of the Philips Trademarks (e.g.: “Filips” or “PHIL”);
  • do not register or use the Philips name or the Philips Trademarks in combination with or as part of your trade name or trademarks, in your domain name, app name, social media page name, or e-commerce channels. Only if the content of your connected subpage is dedicated to Philips’ products or services, you may use the Philips name as a sub-domain of your URL (i.e.: You may also provide a link from your website to the relevant Philips website, provided that it is clear to users that such link redirects users to a Philips webpage; 
  • do not include any Philips Trademarks in social media and e-commerce accounts in such a way that it is likely to confuse the public as to whether a website, page, or account is affiliated with, endorsed or sponsored by Philips. When creating social content or e-commerce content, an authorized reseller should present the Philips Trademarks less prominent that its own name or logo, and always with a clear description of any connection with Philips on top of the page;
  • do not copy, modify, animate or frame the Philips name and Philips Trademarks, Philips Brand Assets or any other proprietary elements of Philips’ website or trading style;
  • do not display the Philips name or Philips Trademarks more prominently than your own trade name or trademarks;
  • do not mispresent your relationship with Philips in your communications;
  • do not use the Philips name, the Philips Trademarks or Philips Brand Assets to make false statements about Philips or its affiliates;
  • do not use the Philips name, Philips Trademarks or Philips Brand Assets in a manner disparaging, defamatory, or libelous to Philips, its products, solutions or any person or entity;
  • unless explicitly authorized by Philips, do not suggest any affiliation, endorsement or sponsorship by Philips;  
  • unless explicitly authorized by Philips, do not state “Official Philips” or similar claims.  

Philips partner agreement

For a business partner of Philips, the partner agreement will provide specific provisions regarding the use of the Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets, e.g.: for use of a specific Philips Partner logo. For further support, please check the guidance in this page or reach out to your business contact.

The Philips wordmark


You can download the Philips wordmark and further use specifications here.


For general questions or support, please contact us by sending an email to


These guidelines may be updated by Philips from time to time. 


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