These Guidelines are meant to assist you in the proper use of our name, trademarks and brand assets to preserve and protect our brand integrity. In addition to these Guidelines, specific terms and conditions may apply for use of a specific Philips Trademark or Philips Brand Asset.
Compatibility reference: You may communicate in your offering that your product or solution is “compatible with” or “works with” a Philips product or solution.
You may refer to Philips in textual references about Philips products and solutions, product endorsements, or to indicate that your product is compatible with a Philips product or solution. When referring to Philips, please provide accurate information concerning your relationship with Philips. The reference to Philips must be in the same font and style as the rest of the text (e.g.. not capitalized).
Any business partner of Philips, (subsequent) reseller or other authorized third party should clearly present itself using its own trading style in communications both offline and online (e.g.: on its website, e-commerce and social media channels) and clearly present its connection with Philips to the public. A business partner, (subsequent) reseller or authorized other third party should apply the Philips Trademarks or the Philips Brand Assets in a proportional manner in its communications. In general, business partners, (subsequent) resellers and other authorized third parties may not mislead or confuse the public about their affiliation with Philips or any endorsement or sponsorship by Philips. The guidance below specifies what is and what is not allowed when using the Philips Trademarks or Philips Brand Assets. Proper use the Philips Trademarks means at least, the following: Do’s Don’ts
The Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets may only be used with explicit written authorization from Philips.
For a business partner of Philips, the partner agreement will provide specific provisions regarding the use of the Philips Trademarks and Philips Brand Assets, e.g.: for use of a specific Philips Partner logo. For further support, please check the guidance in this page or reach out to your business contact.
You can download the Philips wordmark and further use specifications here.
These guidelines may be updated by Philips from time to time. © Koninklijke Philips N.V., 2022, 2024
For general questions or support, please contact us by sending an email to
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