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Sep 19, 2019

Philips Carla Kriwet joins global industry leaders at Economist Innovation Summit Europe

Estimated reading time: 3-5 minutes

Head of Connected Care at Philips shares insights on capitalizing on the promises of exponential technologies to reshape healthcare

“Culture eats strategy for breakfast,” a phrase attributed to the late management consultant Peter Drucker and made more famous by Mark Fields, former chief executive at the Ford Motor Company, is one of the central themes at the upcoming Economist Innovation summit taking place Oct. 3rd in London.  With innovative technologies emerging every day, company executives are continuously challenged with identifying which innovations should be pursued, which should be ignored, and how to integrate “the next big thing” into existing technology roadmaps. More critical, how can business leaders successfully integrate innovation into company culture? If culture eats strategy for breakfast, and lunch and dinner for that matter, which technologies have the greatest potential to reshape the future of business?


At the Economist Innovation Summit Europe event, business leaders across multiple industries will discuss how they are meeting the challenge of incorporating innovation across their organizations.  Editors from The Economist will be joined by Fortune 500 leaders, policymakers, academics, entrepreneurs and business development executives to share their insights. Topics will range from adopting and adapting the right technologies, to new business models that must evolve to keep pace in an ever-changing world, to a long-term perspective of tech hot button topics like artificial intelligence (AI), Augmented Reality (AR), and digital twin technology.   


Carla Kriwet, Chief Business Leader of Connected Care at Philips will participate in a panel discussion on “Capitalizing on the Promises of Exponential Technologies,” where she will share her expertise on the adoption of connected care technologies showing the greatest potential to reshape healthcare.  Carla will address how hospitals, healthcare professionals, patients and consumers can be ‘persuaded’ to adopt new technology, and how Philips is evolving its business processes and models to sell and deliver these cutting edge digital technologies.


Joining Carla on the panel moderated by Tom Standage, deputy editor of the Economist, are global technology innovators and business leaders including Scott Petty, Chief Technology Officer at Vodafone; Paul Stein, Chief Technology Officer at Rolls Royce; and Simon McDougall, Executive Director, Technology Policy and Innovation with the Information Commissioners Office.


Follow the panel session discussion @EconomistEvents #Econinnov and connect with Carla on LinkedIn for her perspectives from the event, and on-going thought leadership discussions across the digital health tech landscape.


Event: Economist Innovation Summit Europe

Where: London

Date: Oct. 3, 2019, 9:50 – 10:35 AM GMT


Social Hashtag: #EconInnov


Speaker: Dr. Carla Kriwet

Chief Business Leader, Connected Care, Philips 


Dr. Carla Kriwet is Executive Vice President and Chief Business Leader of Connected Care at Philips, and a member of the Royal Philips Executive Committee. Carla has more than 20 years of experience in business strategy and operational execution in the industrial and medical device industries.

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Kathy O'Reilly

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